Saturday, March 31, 2012

photoshop and old photos

I've been organising my photos and playing around with Photoshop over the last week. I've been doing Kim Klassen's skinny mini ecourse for Photoshop. it's a short course with basic know how for putting textures, text, etc together. even though I've used Photoshop for a long time I've never completely explored all it's features, and I haven't had a lot of time over the past few years due to study, new job etc, so this has been a great way to get me back into the swing of things.
the skinny mini ecourse runs for a few days, has lots of little videos (good for us visual learners!), pdf downloads, texture, font and image downloads, and it's absolutely free....what a lovely gift from Kim's couple of old photos I dragged out the archives last night. played with textures, colours, text, new fonts, brightness, contrast, rubbing back, adding on, and so on.....
I'm really enjoying getting back into using this program and revamping old this space!

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